test flown Flt/Lt Loweth VASM 20mins 23-4-45 del 33MU by F/O Fryer ATA 2-5-45 VASM 12-7-45 mods 91S 6-9-45 266OCU 3-10-46 602S 14-9-48 FAAC 14-1-49 to 6834M 29-1-51
test flown Flt/Lt Loweth VASM 20mins 23-4-45 del 33MU by F/O Fryer ATA 2-5-45 VASM 12-7-45 mods 91S 6-9-45 266OCU 3-10-46 602S 14-9-48 FAAC 14-1-49 to 6834M 29-1-51